Grace Anderson


Entraîneur: * * * Anciens Athlètes * * *


Année de naissance : 2002

Domicile : Montréal

École : Miss Edgar's and Miss Cramp's school

Club : Mont Tremblant

Skis : Fischer
Bottes : Fischer
Bâtons : Swix
Casque : Dainese

Autre(s) sport(s) pratiqué(s) : Rugby, soccer, cross country running, tennis

Un moment marquant de ta carrière : One of the best moments I have had throughout my skiing career is last year at selections for nationals in the slalom race, I had a run in slalom where going in I had a mindset that I was just going to attack the course. Though it was not the cleanest run, I attacked the course and it payed off with a third place!

Que représente pour toi être dans l'équipe EDLS ?
Being in the EDLS represents being a dedicated athlete. It means loving skiing and always wanting to improve and always trying to improve even when it is not coming. The EDLS represents a face of dedication to the sport of skiing which forms an elite team.

Qu'est-ce que d'être dans l'équipe EDLS t'apportera ?
Being in the EDLS provides me with an environment to improve my skiing. The coaching as well as the athletes make me work hard and it is good to train in such community because it makes you want to be faster.

Héro(s) : My hero is Terry Fox. Terry Fox is an athlete that faced numerous challenges throughout his career. These obstacles did not stop him from running, they pushed him to do even greater things. Terry Fox's morals can be applied to not only my skiing where I must keep going even if it gets hard, but it can be applied in my life, as a reminder that no matter how hard it gets, it's always better to try to improve and move forward rather than let the challenges beat you down. I also admire Lindsay Vonn for her determination to be the fastest. She inspires me to do everything I can in my power to improve.

Devise :
"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new" -Albert Einstein

